Sunday 31 July 2016

From Melbourne (Dad) : 12.4.82

From Melbourne

Dear Alan
                                Pleased to see that you are happy with your change to private practice. We hope that it means a congenial existence and more professional experience. However, from this distance the long term prospects in South Africa do not appear favorable. But no doubt you have worked all that out. There seems to be some attempts at reform by the Prime Minister but little chance of dealing with the basic issues.

                That’s not an attempt to tell you what to think about SA – you know so much more than we do, so I’ll confine myself to news from here.

                I met Geoffrey Patterson in the street about a week ago. He had just arrived back after a year overseas spent mostly wandering Europe.  He worked on a farm in Germany for a while then visited Scandinavian countries and France and Italy.  He found England rather cold and seemed glad to be home.  The traveling killed his desire to work at a desk and he was applying for a job on the oil rigs in Bass Strait.

                Another person I met was Ian Dukson of Leonard St and he had just received a letter from an English friend who is apparently working with you. The letter said you looked well and appeared happy.

                Our big news in recent weeks was the Victorian State Election in which cousin Darryl was a candidate. He stood as the Australian democrat candidate for Melbourne West province in the upper house.  He was soundly defeated of course but polled 2,000 more votes than the Democrat candidate at the previous election. His prospects of a political career would be rather meagre with the Democrats but you can’t knock him for trying or for having an interest in public affairs.

                The change of government in Victoria can’t men much change as State Governments can’t really affect the economy very much but they will tend to spend money for a while. It probably means more jobs in fields like education and health. There will be some social reform but I think they will be inclined to move slowly.

                It’s nothing to do with the change of Government but Anne has received a permanent appointment with Education Dept. she had been doing some emergency teaching at Tottenham Technical School and the opportunity came up for a permanent job in science and maths.   Tottenham tech wouldn’t be the ideal place to teach but it will be good experience. If you can teach there I suppose you could teach just about anywhere.

                Lois has been home for Easter and she seems to have settled into country life quite well. The same thing applies with her – it’s the practical experience that is essential to gain mastery of a profession.

                As you can see by the heading this is Easter and we have spent most of it at Trentham. The weather absolutely glorious although it is dry and rain is needed.  It was perfect for the holidays.

                In fact the weather has been a bit too warm for the footballers. The season is now in full swing, three matches having been played. And it looks like much the same teams at the top and much the same at the bottom.

                We recently made a change of motor cars and are now driving a red Commodore. The change-over deal was a good one and the new model seems to be an improvement. The little Mini is still going well but it is now Beverley’s possession. She is driving it every day to Monash U and it has cut her traveling time in half.

                The accountant forwarded a copy of your tax return last week and I signed it and sent it back. You should get about $500 refund. When it arrives the best place would be the Building Society, but you can let me know your preference.

                                Regards Dad


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