Saturday 23 July 2016

From Johannesburg : Jan 1982

From Johannesburg
Jan 1982
Dear Mum,
                                I’ve just come back from Zimbabwe. Victoria Falls impossible to describe or capture on a post card.  Wildlife is very plentiful and swimming in the rivers or walking in the bush is dangerous. Driving through the bush you can see an incredible variety of animals. Everything rhinos, deer, elephants, warthogs etc. There is some beautiful and both the blacks and whites are friendly. All this two years after a war in which 30,000 people were killed.

                Down here the conventional wisdom is that Zimbabwe is not the place for a white. But if you had money you could live very well indeed. Economically it seems to be going downhill. Shortages in the shops when even through 15 years of economic sanctions there were none. At the end of the 8 year war, the war plus the sanctions were at their most costly. That’s a good time to hand the mess over to the blacks.

                Relationships with SA have deteriorated which is bad economically for Zimbabwe. Mr Mugabe is well aware of how his country depends on SA. During the war everything went through SA and trade routes can’t be changed immediately/overnight. Mr Muldoon was right when he said that Mugabe had been too long in the bush. None of the blacks now in power has had any experience of running a country. Overnight you have a whole new cabinet and they make lots of mistakes. Mr Mugabe is not the problem. It’s the second echelon. The blacks who overnight are promoted high up in the civil service because they belong to ZANU (PF) @ because whites have left creating gaps.

                There is no doubt that in order to get the blacks to fight they were promised a lot. Black expectations were high. Just this week Mugabe aid that they were going to begin nationalizing parts of industry. They realize that they still have no economic power and the quick solution is to nationalize. This please the black masses and depresses the whites with the skills and the money who are now leaving in their droves. The whites are depressed and every skilled white who leaves takes with him the jobs of countless illiterate blacks.

                Salisbury is a very nice city and there was a letter in the paper about a white shop-keeper who asked a black street –sweeper why he was sleeping on the footpath. The black said that it was his country now and he’d clean it when he felt like it. This is the attitude you see everywhere. The Africa were nothing works, is not available or is late. One day he has no responsibility and couldn’t care about anything. The next day he has all the responsibility and doesn’t know what to do. That’s why you need strong ruthless leaders and there are so few democracies in Africa.

                In this respect SA is just like the rest of Africa and definitely not part of the Western World. In Salisbury some Aussie teachers just landed and displayed their ignorance on TV.  They will soon learn. One teacher I spoke to had been working in Zim for 3 months. At one stage they decided to protest about conditions. The police came and locked them up for the day and that was the end of that. They were lucky. It is still a very nice country and more natural in that blacks and whites mix freely at all levels of society. At first it seems odd then strangely refreshing and more “normal”.

                That reminds me. A lot of people can’t handle freedom. i.e. An Indian or colored  doctor goes to England and applies for a job. Not told why he doesn’t get it and eventually goes home to SA and says the people in England are more racist. In SA you know exactly where they are. I’ve heard this story countless times. It’s probably true and the worst racists I’ve seen are new English migrants. They suddenly realise they can get away with ordering other people around without doing anything and not having to prove anything about themselves. They go over-board and lose control. The reverse of this is the paternalistic treating of every black like someone needing your help.  There are millions of white SA who grew up on farms with blacks who do neither.

                                                                                                Regards Alan

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