Thursday 15 September 2016

From Melbourne (Mum) : 20.6.83

From Melbourne

Dear Alan,
                                We received your letter last week. I have found your books and notes. I am just sorting out the books. Your range of reading is from one extreme to the other. I won’t send them all in one parcel. Just a few books at a time by airmail. Other way takes too long. I will send all your text books then could you tell me which notes. They will take some sorting out.

                By the look of the news you must have some water by now. What kinds of natives are the ones in the photos. In all the old books on Africa the natives in the south were called Hottentots but you never seem to see that word now. They are not supposed to be as dark as the other natives they are more like the bushmen.

                Beverley and Pamela both went to weddings this weekend. Beverley went to a girls from the Uni but Pamela went to Jenny Doubleday’s wedding. She married an American who has been over here building oil rigs and leaves now for Indonesia and doesn’t know whether she will be ever back to live in Australia.

                Did I tell you Geoffrey Patterson is getting married in July can’t remember whether I did or not. Still hasn’t found a job since he came back from Europe.  Since Labour came to power there has been no improvement at all in the economy if anything it is still getting worse. Mr Roper the minister for Health in Victoria has been getting a lot of flak from the medical students because he said he cannot guarantee them all an internship when their studies are finished. In all the letters @ articles in the paper the medical students are not getting any sympathy because too many people are finding it hard to get job. There was a letter in the paper today from a science PhD graduate who has to go overseas for a position. He thought it was about time doctors had to compete in the market place like everybody else.

                Pamela is gradually improving with her driving lessons. Last time we left the car park and went around the streets in the middle of Sunshine. It was Sunday afternoon and hardly anyone was around.

                Saw a program on religion about odd sects that some of the Zulus have in their own lands. There were people who worked in Durban who had nothing to think of except what their religion offered them. They were dressed in long white robes with a blue sash or cross. There was another group who dressed in traditional clothes.  They had some odd ideas but when they sang as a group it sounded much better than our singing. I also saw a program on Lucia lakes in Zululand. We seem to have seen lots about Sth Africa lately but not about apartheid.

                                Love from Mum                                                                                                                                                


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