Sunday 19 February 2017

From Melbourne 4.86

From Melbourne

Dear Lorna and Alan,
                                                I spent ages trying to find a card and I have just got home and read the verses. Not very good but I just bought it because I thought the picture on the front looked nice. Beverley is here tonight for tea. She has just read it too. Said I should get another one. But the verses were all pretty awful.

                It was good to hear Alan’s voice on Monday night. He just chose the right time because Norm came in as I was talking. You must both be very happy. Alan said you were very quick but everything went well. 

                When I had all my children the mothers stayed in hospital for 10 days but here the mothers are unusual if the stay a week it is unusual if the stay a week it is usually less.  I hope you can stay in a while and have a rest because once you go home you don’t get much of a rest.

                Melissa and Jolene will most likely want to do everything for the baby first. Most of the children at the Kinder love their new babies but are usually disappointed at the beginning because the new baby doesn’t play with them. But after a month as they see the baby grow and do more they become very protective of their brother or sister.

                When I rang up Lois, Anne and Beverley everyone of them was very pleased. Beverley said she had a smile on her face all day. I will write and tell Pamela when I have finished this letter. Later on tonight we are going up to Rockbank and see if we can see Halley’s Comet better. We went on Monday night. Up Ballarat Rd and then we turned up the first street on the left after the street lights stopped. There is a slight rise and you get a wonderful view over Melbourne. There were four other cars there but the comet was in the Milky Way and wasn’t very easy to see.  Tonight it will be near the Southern Cross so we are taking Beverley too because she couldn’t possibly see it where she lives almost   in the middle of Melbourne. We could see the lights of Melbourne from Sydenham to Werribee.

I forgot to ask you to spell the baby’s name is it Stacy or Stacey or is it something else.  

                I don’t know whether Beverley told you but it was because of Alan that she has a new boyfriend. He is the recruitment officer for the Navy and she had to talk to him about positions in the Navy. He has been here for the two meals already. I don’t know what he thought of us but Lois and Ken were also here for lunch on Sunday. He seems quite nice but I did hear tonight that Beverley is going out with a group on Friday with her last boyfriend. I quite liked him too.

                I have to hurry up and finish this letter because the others want to go now and look at the sky.

                We are very pleased about the new baby but do tell Melissa and Jolene we haven’t forgotten about them. They are just as important. Sometimes if everybody talks about the new baby the older children do feel they have been forgotten.

                Well we have been out and back. It’s a beautiful starry night. It was fairly easy to find but looks more like a white smudge.

                I was wondering if you  can remember much from the other two babies or do you have to start all over again and learn everything again. I hope your memory is better than mine and you can remember what to do.

                                                                                                                Love from as all

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