Saturday 24 December 2016

From Empangeni 12.85

From Empangeni

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am sending you copies of Melissa’s and Jolene’s reports and the list of books which you asked for.  Melissa and Jolene both made up the list. It was nice talking to you on the phone this morning but time always runs out so fast. Alan passed all his exams and I passed three subjects but not the fourth which consisted of four papers. I will be writing a supplementary exam in January and rewriting two papers next year. Fortunately the two I have to rewrite are not too much work. I have got a temporary job at the moment which will probably last me until I have the baby then I will give up because I will have to study as well as look after the baby. 

I have been making all my Christmas presents in my spare time. I have got the Bernina Bernette Overlock machine which I have been using to make t-shirts for my nephews and beach dresses for my nieces. I have also been making nighties and pyjamas for Melissa and Jolene. We also bought them a second hand singer sewing machine which I want to teach them to make simple things on. They are on holiday at the moment and unfortunately I don’t seem to have time to show them anything as we have been going camping every second weekend. When you are studying, everything you enjoy doing gets put off till the end of the year when exams are over, but there is not enough time to do everything.
Jolene is going to the same school as Melissa in the new year, but as Melissa is going to be going into Std 1 she will be finishing at 1:30 pm and Jolene will be finishing at 12:00.  The school is quite a distance from home and we have been in   a lift club since we stayed in this house which means that we only have to collect once in four weeks, so we thought that perhaps Jolene could stay at school and wait for Melissa as they have facilities for those children that cannot be picked up at 12:00.

As soon as Alan has got his camera back, we will take some photos of the children and send them to you. There is a little girl living across the road who has a swimming pool and her mother does not mind Melissa and Jolene swimming there as they are both good swimmers. Jolene could improve on her strokes, but she is quite a good diver and can even do a backward dive and a sort of half somersault. Melissa is more inclined to swim long distances although she is not very fast. When they have galas at school she always participates as she cannot participate in any of the other sports but she mostly comes last although she gets the most support from her peers.

It is only about three months now until the baby is due and I have been so fit and healthy that I have almost forgotten how sick I felt in the first three months. I try and go to the swimming pool every morning before work to get some exercise as it will not be possible to attend ante natal classes because I am working. It would be nice if you could come over and visit us again next year after the baby is born. The low exchange rate would hold some advantages for you and there is no trouble in this part of South Africa. If you could come, July would be the best time because it won’t be so hot and the children would be on holiday and Alan has got quite a lot of leave due to him.
Well, O hope you all enjoy your Christmas.

Love from Lorna

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