Friday, 22 September 2017

From Merrivale 9.11.1993

From Merrivale

Dear Alan, Lorna, Girls & Abigail,

Just a hurried note while I have 5 minutes to spare. Dad has gone off to the farm with Neal & I am going to town with Debbie to get groceries, but hope to get in a swim before I go.

The wind is quite nippy & Saturday was really very cold although the sun shone on & off all day. Sheila & the girls came for the day & we all had lunch at Debbie’s. Lionel really excelled himself in the cooking of lunch. Ronald, les & children took Regan home for the weekend & I had a fabulous weekend. Jenny & Jim put on a London pub night on Saturday & although not many pitched up (they had all gone to Ladysmith to watch the rugby on special TV) they had a fabulous evening & jenny played the piano. She has a fantastic Zulu choir going & is hoping to put Bergville on the map with it or should I say highlight Bergville.

Our garden is looking lovely & the bird’s give me so much joy, but they cost me a fortune in feed which we really can’t afford.

We are hoping to go to Ihluyane tomorrow to see the hills they keep on going & all 3 nearly 80 hazel 81.

They are having a big dinner at church on Friday, so I am going to spend the day helping there we won’t be going as the cost is R15 p.p.

I have Elliot in the garden today mending broken fences.

Must close now & run.

                                Tons of love from, XXXXXXXX

                                Dad, Mum & family XXXXXXXX

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