Friday, 22 September 2017

From Merrivale 13.5.1993

From Merrivale

Dear Alan, Lorna & Girls,

We had a lovely time in the Berg with the Hayes. We went to Royal National everyday.  The mountains are breathtaking. We met a young pharmacist from Hobart, who is staying in the caravan park & touring South Africa. He is going to try & get a job in the Hobart hospital when he returns – his name is Graham Hughes. His parents have a shack at Coles Bay & live there permanently. We went to the Hotel Walter for dinner one evening & had a lovely meal.

I have been so busy this week as Bonzie came over & put up my fibre glass for me. We are 3 sheets short & Neal will get them tomorrow & bring them back on Monday. The back really looks lovely as I have been busy painting all the pots & replanting. The kids bought me a cement Chinese lamp for out the back – Neal will put tit up on Monday too.

Can you believe it the weather has been very hot 31 C today. Early mornings are still cold. I am so busy gardening & cooking that I haven’t time to sew & there is so much I want to do. I am also knitting madly.

All the family are well. Debbie is giving Nicky a pirate’s party on Saturday & I will make him a pirate ship cake. Matthew is a darling all smiles.  I said to Deb of course he is always smiling as he is fed & carried around all the time. He sleeps from 9.30 pm – 4.30 am so that’s not bad. Neal has got his farm & lots & lots of hard work as the house is just a shell – the same as Debbie & Lionel’s house at Merrivale Heights.

No more news so I’ll sign off for now.

                Tons of love to you all from,
                Dad, Mum & family

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