Saturday, 16 September 2017

From Merrivale 28.8.92

From Merrivale
Dear Alan, Lorna & Girls,

This is just a very hurried note to say thank you for your letters & for the photos. My but the girls are growing so fast. Everyone remarked how much like you Melissa looks.

I have just said to Dad I think there must be something wrong with me as I spend all day every day in the kitchen.  I seem to be baking everyday or making jam or pickles now I am trying out a new recipe for pineapple jube-jubes.  I have just done a packet of haricot beans for the deepfreeze, so decided to make a pot of soup with the water – as Donovan is coming for the week and is always hungry & I think we are in for a cold spell. last week the temperature were over 30 C. Sheila has gone with Ronald to St Lucia for 5 days, she is desperately in need of a break, as she has a very demanding job, she is a debt collector & they give her a very large target to reach & if she reaches it she gets a double salary cheque & she has just reached her target. She really is a darling, gives Daddy & I R100 a month to help us then burrows it all back, but her heart is in the right place. Vanessa is looking after Taryn & Jenna. Taryn is beautiful like her mother. – Jenna a dove when her mother is not around.
Debbie has just dropped Nicky off. He is a real darling, but all Debbie’s kids are. Fay got an A+ in her ballet exam. Did I tell you she was pregnant again & has gone to the Dr. I went last night with Les & Ronald to Linpark School where Sherry & Donovan go & we went to speak to the teachers & they all spoke so highly of Sherry & Donovan & how polite & helpful Donovan was, so Sheila will be pleased to hear that. Tony Kennard teaches there. We are just rushing off to sports day there now. Nicky & Daddy have gone fishing – I asked him if he was going to eat the fish & I wish you could have seen the expression on his face when he turned to me & said “don’t you know I don’t eat meat I am a vegetarian,” but I promise you he eats meat whenever nobody is watching, he always pesters Sheila and I for meat.

We went out to Hazel Hill’s 80th birthday last Saturday & had a lovely day with them, they asked me to send you their love. They still stay there without 1 burglar guard. I think Molly’s daughter Barbie & her husband Mike lived in Newtown where Mike attended Hobart University where he specialized.
Run out of time & space. I am just waiting for Hilda du Preey to come & visit me, then I will take her over to Debbie’s.

                                Tons of love to you all XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

                                Dad, Mum & family

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