Saturday, 16 September 2017

From Merrivale 23.5.92

From Merrivale

Dear Alan, Lorna & Girls,

On Thursday we will go to Margate until Monday morning when I bring Daddy back to go into hospital to have his operation on Tuesday – I think he will be home on Wednesday, then when he feels O.K. we will go back to Margate for another week. I am really looking forward to going away as I have been so busy & crippled with arthritis but I am O.K. now. Daddy also hasn’t been well, but seems to have recovered – now we are both going down with the flu.

I have been busy cooking for Jonathon’s & Nicky’s birthdays & I have rushed home from Debbie’s  & made Nicky 2 pairs of pants as when I  went to change him today he hasn’t any decent clothes. I made them each a jersey for their birthdays now I am battling to get one finished for Taryn.
We had a nice weekend in Durban & went to the beach – the weather is still lovely, but on the news tonight it is going to get cold overnight.

Someone set fire to the bottom field last night so we were rushing around & managed to get it out before it did much damage.

The rest of the family are all well – I did tell you that poor Tam-lyn has a hearing aid, she seems to be coping very well.

I went to Howick High School to see “Sound of Music” it was fantastic.

Well must close & go to bed.

                Tons of love to each one of you,
                Dad, Mum & family XXXXXXXXXXX

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