Saturday, 16 September 2017

From Merrivale 31.8.92

From Merrivale

Dear Alan, Lorna & Girls,

It was so lovely talking to you all on the phone today.  The Montagues were here & sent their love. thanks a  million for the money I am going to put it towards my airfare to come  & see you all – I am sure I will be coming on my own as Dad is getting old & just wants to sit in his chair  & watch TV & do puzzles. I was very worried about him as he was passing blood in his urine, but the Dr said it was just an infection so I hope so. He has just finished his antibiotic.

Debbie tried to phone yesterday to tell you she was pregnant, so when she phones please tell her how pleased you are for her , as she seems very uncertain about this pregnancy – I don’t know why as she was the one who wanted another baby.

Hilda called you wouldn’t recognize her – she was 30 today – very slim & very attractive & has a very good job.

I think Jenny & Jimmy are coming tomorrow to bring Regan for an interview at Linpark School.
We went to visit Robin, Val & Aunty Kay yesterday. They made us so welcome, you know what Robin is like.

We have had ½ inch of rain so I am sure everything will turn green now and the fruit trees are all in blossom.

The sun has come out now & I walked to the dam & there are a pair of Egyptian Geese there. Must go and make supper. I think Neal will also be here tomorrow.

                Tons of love Dad, Mum & family XXXXXXXXXX

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