Saturday 29 October 2016

From Melbourne (Mum) 8.10.84

From Melbourne

Dear Alan, Lorna, Melissa and Jolene,
                                                                It was nice to receive the letters from Melissa and Jolene. Jolene is just like the drawings the children do at the kindergarten. I was glad you liked the books. I have put more in a box that I am sending over for Christmas. One is a big book to share and the others you can decide between yourselves.

                In your last letter you said a friend was coming to Melbourne he hasn’t been in touch with us but we were not sure when he was coming. If you remember I put in an article from the paper by a senator who had been to South Africa. I made a mistake I said he must have been Liberal because a Labour man would have been more anti South Africa Government. But he was a Labour man! He was Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs who should have known a bit.

                I am sorry Lorna I have taken so long to get the photos I am enclosing. I really am not very good at taking close-ups – not bad on scenery. I took 7 photos of Lois before I got this one. I only had to take three of Beverley before I got a decent photo. Both of them a reasonable likeness of them. Maybe it is time I got a camera that I don’t have to focus.

                We haven’t forgotten to send you a wedding present it was just too hard to think of something we could send so we have decided to send you some money. There must be something you would like to buy. I would rather bought something but all things II thought of were not suitable to send. We should have been quicker but I don’t know the time just disappears. Before we know it Christmas will be here. Parcels to reach you by Christmas have to be sent next week.

                We have been reading a lot more news about South Africa in the paper lately. When there is trouble it makes news. Do you ever see anything about Australia. We only seem to be worried about what are really minor problems in most country but we make them into major problems because that is all we have.

                Pamela is finding life is very different where she is. It is very poor but they have plenty of food and nothing else. She says the king is more worried about his few sheep (which are in a paddock opposite Pam’s house) than the people. They are the only sheep in Tonga and haven’t been sheared since they came. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if that was the only sort of problem that most countries had? Can you think of something better for Jolene and Melissa to call me other than Mrs Carlton.

                                                                                                                         Love from Mum

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