Saturday 29 October 2016

From Melbourne (Mum) 13.6.84

From Melbourne
Dear Alan (Also Lorna and the kids),
                                                                                Just a short letter to say we arrived back here. It did take me a few days to get over the plane trip. I had hardly any sleep almost everyone was sprawled out over the seats – the plane was only about half full but I talked to a mother who was trying to stop her young child from crying. I slept most of the next day and was back at work on Wednesday.

                Everyone we meet wants to know what it is really like in South Africa. I am tired of telling people the same stories all the time.  They are not as interested in the animals, or the scenery etc but just how the people and how they all get on together or don’t get on.

                If we go overseas again I think I will choose a place that no-one is interested. We most likely will be going to Tonga next. On Saturday next Pamela is going there for two years with Australian Volunteers Abroad.  I can’t remember if I told you or not because she didn’t know for sure until we were away. She will be working in a library and also teaching Geography. She will be earning the same wages as the local people which is not very much. She will be able to survive but won’t save any money or be able to travel much. The island is only 50 miles long and narrow but there are many small islands around.

                Considering neither of us have taken many photos the photos we took are not bad – so good and a few didn’t come out but altogether we have a good picture of our holiday. Some of the animals taken at Umfolozi especially the giraffes look good. The hospital at Butterworth turned out alright and our Victoria Falls were better than expected. The photos of Capetown were a bit dull the weather caused that. In the next letter I’ll send a couple just to show you. Also found we have a bit of money not changed so I will put that in too. It’s no use to us.

                I am glad that you asked us to come over there. We would never have got there without some prodding.  Now we know where you are working and how you are getting on. Also it was good to meet Lorna and the girls. We really haven’t any reason to worry about you – well at least not at present. It is very hard to know to what is going to happen in South Africa. It is a country full of contradictions some very good people but some people who are very biased but Mr Botha if he is given a chance may be able to bring about some changes gradually. I hope so.

                                Love from Mum

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