Saturday 29 October 2016

From Empangeni (Lorna) 13.7.84

From Empangeni

Dear Mr & Mrs Carlton
                                We have just moved into a house and are starting to settle in. The house has got a pool which is quite necessary in this hot climate. It is supposed to be the middle of winter and yet it is almost hot enough to swim. Melissa has started settling in at her new school. She was quite far behind when she started as she was doing different work in Pietermaritzburg and has had quite a lot to catch up with. The schools have broken up now for the holidays and her report said that she had done well to catch up to the rest of the class. Jolene settled in quite easily at the pre-primary. They have both been up to Howick to spend a few days with my mother.

Alan and I went to False Bay for a night and tried out the new tent that we bought. False Bay is on the northern shores of Lake St Lucia. We had a nice time hiking through indigenous forest. We saw quite a lot of buck, birds and a few warthog. While we were walking along the shore we could see footprints of Hippos. Swimming and yachting are not allowed as the lake is apparently full of hippos and crocodiles. We also saw a few pelicans. There is a pelican breeding colony in the vicinity. There are also huts in the bush that you can only get to by hiking to them. While we were sleeping we were woken by a fairly large buck which was eating the vegetation behind the tent. We also found a porcupine quill but did not see any porcupine.

This weekend we are getting my sisters to stay and we had two of Alan’s friends from the Transkei to stay for a few days. They will probably come back this weekend and get a lift with my sister back to Swaziland so it is just as well we are now in a house. We went through the photos to see if we could find anything suitable and these are what we could find. If we get anything else we will send them as well. Can you please send me photos of Alan’s sisters and yourselves as well as Benjamin.

                                                                                          Love from Lorna, Melissa & Jolene


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