Monday, 30 October 2017

The rules of modern history

This blog is a record of what happened.

The photos are one person’s view of various subjects.  They were taken in the approximate year shown. Sometimes the year is a guess. They tell me something about the photographer and the person in the photograph.  Everybody is shown warts and all. None have been digitally altered in any way.   None have been altered to make the photographer or the photographed appeared better than what they were.

The letters are an absolute copy of letters written on the date shown.  Occasionally sections have been left out for various reasons.  Nothing has been added.  What you see is what was written. Unaltered in any way. The letters tell me something about the person writing the letter and the person mentioned in the letter.  None have been altered with the benefit of hindsight.

This recent history will cease in 1997. I have introduced a 20 year statute of limitations. Anything less than 20 years old will not be uploaded.

Alan Carlton 

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