Monday, 30 October 2017

From Sunshine 2.4.1994

From Sunshine

Dear Alan and Lorna,

                                We have thought about your idea of us coming over. We thought it would be better to wait until the Christmas holidays. These holidays you will have just settled in and will have plenty to do.  Also Norm has nearly finished at the factory no printing machine is left and Ray is away for 3 weeks on a holiday around Australia in a DC3. A wonderful way to see the country.

                We would like to come over sometime in Dec, Jan or maybe Feb. We haven’t really decided but around Christmas. Down at the RACV they had a display of holidays in Tassie with East West airlines. I didn’t have time yesterday to look at it but there was a lot of information.

                I have included a list of all the eucalypts that grow in Tassie. The numbers just mean the page of the book. I was looking at “Field guide to Eucalypts.”  A good book if you can get it.

                The trees I have ticked are the ones that I would like to grow from seed. Not all at once but you might get to find some from the Society of Growing Australian Plants in Hobart. They might be a good organization for to join to find out about plants for your garden.

                As you can see we already grow a lot from the area because we have found they grow well there. I haven’t found one from Western Victoria survive.

                Pamela hasn’t got a job yet so she is around our house most of the day knitting or reading. She gets bored so yesterday she came with me when I took Auntie Grace  & Win for a drive. We had a good afternoon drive along the Beach Rd and had afternoon tea at tea rooms on the beach at Beaumaris. Even though it was a little cold and a bit of rain they wanted to come out – anything for a change.

                Dear Melissa Jolene & Stacey,
                                                                                I have put   a book in for each of you so that when Mummy and Daddy are sifting and they are very busy and they don’t want you to help you can keep out of the way with your book. I finished the dress for Stacey’s doll. It looks a bit big but she should be able to dress it herself.  Jolene and Melissa can you read the poems to Stacey. I bought it because I liked the drawings but the poems she could learn some. You might even be able to sing them. I hope you have found some new friends already.

                                                Love from


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