Monday, 30 October 2017

From Merrivale 4.2.1994

From Merrivale

Dear Alan, Lorna & Girls,

I thought I must sit down & write as I haven’t written for a couple of weeks – thanks for the phone call it was nice talking to you all.

We have been house siting for a friend across the way, I wasn’t very happy about it, but they are back today so I am rejoicing – we are paid R20 a day, but he worry is not worth the money, anyway I am going to put the money away and start saving, if Melissa is in the Olympics I am going to be there, so Melissa keep on working hard at your swimming.

The weather is too beautiful 30 C today & we had 25 mm of rain day before yesterday a lovely evening thunderstorm.

Debbie, Lionel & kids are at their caravan, so must be having a fabulous time. Dad & I hope to go up in 2 weeks’ time – he has to go for a check-up next week so that’s why we’re not going now. Taryn has come up to me for a few days – she says she has come to get away from Brat Jenna – I feel very sorry for Taryn as Jenna hangs onto her like a leech. Sheila is not well again I wanted Daddy to go down & fetch her today, but she said she was feeling so ill that she would rather just stay in her own bed.

Ron & Les are going to Jenny for a few days tomorrow. Clinton has been there the whole holidays.
The kids have been catching big bass down in the dam – they throw them back again & there are lots of babies. Neal, Vanessa & family & David & Cheryl & family all went to Midmar for the day & went water skiing , they wanted us to go , but we were waiting for our friends to come back home – which they did at 5 p. m.

Mrs Montague is driving me crazy she went to the states to stay with Kemp for 4 ½ months & has only been gone a month & they are at one another’s throats so she wants me to get her on the first plane home – I told her not to go in the first place, so now I have to waste my time & money to get her back here.

                Must close now.
                Tons of love to each of you,
                Dad, Mum & family
PS. I’m enjoying the video, but wish there was more of all of you – Stacey looks so lovely.

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