Sunday, 5 November 2017

From Merrivale 2.4.1995

From Merrivale

Dear Alan, Lorna & Girls,

I missed you phoning me on my birthday, but realise how busy you are, & that you phoned 2 weeks ago.  I had a lovely birthday. All the family from around here came for supper & a good time was had by all.  & all my friends phoned to wish me. What a mess I had to clean after 18 people here for supper.

What a hectic weekend we’ve had. Sherry & her boyfriend Izan decided to get engaged on Saturday night, so les & Ron rushed around & gave her an engagement party with all of us & his family. He is a very sensible boy (very Afrikaans) & very caring we are very fond of him & his family are very nice too.

We went to church this morning then derbies kids came over for the day plus Neals & Regan & Clinton so I was kept busy feeding them & keeping an eye on them as they were playing down at the dam & fishing (we have lots of big fish in the dam & the kids catch them over & over again & throw them back in again). In between I had visitors & I have baked all day to take things with me when we go to Southbroom tomorrow to join the Hayes & the …. for 2 weeks.

Our little car has a cracked cylinder head, so that’s a non- runner – one battles to get spares as it’s a 1968 model. The Kombi is just ticking over so hope we make it to Southbroom tomorrow.
Aunty Phyllis has made Melissa a jersey with the Olympic logia on it. I haven’t sent it yet but please get Melissa to write & thank her – you can send it care of me.

We have just had to fetch Garrett from a friends as he is so sick & we have to leave here at 6:45am tomorrow to get Regan to school.

                                Tons of love from, XXXXXXXXX
                                Dad & Mum, XXXXXXXXXX

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