Sunday, 5 November 2017

From Merrivale 15.2.1995

From Merrivale

It’ nice to have the Besters home, I missed them very much as I either hear or see Debbie & her children just about every day. It is also nice that they are home as it has taken a big weight off my shoulders looking after their house.

Congratulations to Melissa & to you, what about Jolene & Alan?? I am going to send Melissa a card, as soon as I can get into Howick to buy one. The whole family Smiths/Thomas etc.  & friends send congratulations.

We have just come back from Midmar, I think I told you it’s over the wall & what a wondrous sight , Neal, Vanessa, Melony, Mandy, Dad & myself took the boat out for the morning. Neal & Vanessa skied, then Dad took me fishing but I didn’t even get 1 bite. We tried to get hold of Debbie to come too, but Matthew had been playing with the phone so we couldn’t get through. Ronald left yesterday for America his firm has sent him on a course there & to do a tour of the carpet factories in Atlanta. He flew Lufthansa so flew first to Germany then onto America from the news we see they are having one of the worst winters in years with very bad snow storms & the temperatures well below zero, anyway it will be  a very good experience for him & I believe he is going overseas again in May.

Byron & Wesley spent the weekend with me also Regan & of course Clinton , the 3 Bester kids came over & what fun they had they played cricket , swam, took the boats down to our dam  & every 5 minutes I would hear the microwave going they were out in the garden picking mealies then coming in & microwaving them & eating them. The Randalls were here too.

I am still having visitors everyday, also still freezing vegetables & making jams & pickles. My arthritis is really giving me a hard time & I fear that I am going to end up in a wheelchair. It is just starting raining again I love it.

Must close no more space.

                                Tons of love to you all, XXXXXXX
                                Dad, Mum & family, XXXXX

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