Sunday, 5 November 2017

From Merrivale 2.3.1995

From Merrivale

Dear Alan, Lorna & Girls,

Haven’t heard from you mid-January are you still living on planet earth? I am just waiting for Debbie to bring Matthew over for me to look after him. Debbie is being taxi to Nicky’s class at school & helping take them to the circus. I just love having Matthew he is everybody’s darling & I feel sorry for Nicky as he has had to have a back seat. We have been spending quite a lot of time at Midmar & the other day I had Matthew in the water & he said to me “We’re having fun Nana.”

We had a lovely rain yesterday & the world is looking so nice & clean today, we were getting really desperate for rain. I will take Matthew down to the dam just now & see how much that has come up.
We leave for Bergville tomorrow will take Regan home then we are going to Debbie’s caravan for 5 days &the Hayes will join us for part of the time, then the weekend following back to the hotel then we will bring Regan back again on the Sunday. It will save Jenny 2 trips. Then Dad goes back into hospital on Monday for a check-up he will be in hospital for 3-4 days.

Jenny has now got a post at the African teacher training college in Ladysmith & is very happy there. She has a flat there & has Tara & Tam-lyn living with her there. Tara is off to Cape Town on a marvelous trip organized by the school.

Neal is in Durban on a computer course & Vanessa & boys are on their own on the farm. Vanessa says she’s not scared & they have got a very good alarm system – we were going to stay, but she says she is OK.

Lesley is working at Lionel’s factory sanding furniture & just loving it – she is really hard worker.  Sherry still hasn’t got a job.

A lot of our black members of parliament are in the pooh especially Winnie, as they have been using funds donated by other countries to buy themselves fancy houses & motor cars & the money was donated to build houses for the homeless. Mandela’s getting tough & now telling them that they must pay rent, lights & water, they have refused to pay for these for years & years. Must close.

                                Tons of love from, XXXXXXXX

                                Dad, Mum & family, XXXXXXX

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