Sunday, 5 November 2017

From Merrivale 17.3.1995

From Merrivale

Dear Alan, Lorna & Girls,

It was so lovely talking to you on the phone this morning & hearing all your news.

Dad was in hospital for 3 days & had tests & is all clear - now he will go back again in September & if he is clear again once a year for 5 years then no more.  It’s been a worrying time for me I have really felt it & I’m a bit shaky & nervy still, but are going away quite  abit now so hope I’ll come right. We are going to Sheila on Tuesday for a week, then home for a week, then down to Southbroom for 2 weeks. Sheila & Debbie & families are going to Fanies Island, St Lucia & Kosi Bay camping, they wanted us to go with them, but Dad likes his comfits now in his old age & I also think it will be very crowded, that’s why we have decided to go with Uncle Brian & Aunty Maureen, they have just spent a few days with us in the Drakensberg in Debbie & Lionel’s caravan. We spent 2 weekends with Jim & Jenny, they are doing very well, but have a cash flow problem as Escom takes about 6 months to pay. Tara is in Capetown on a school tour.  Debbie, Lionel & kids have gone to the caravan for 5 days & Sheila & children will join them tomorrow. They will come here for breakfast first.

I’m busy making chutney I have quite a few good customers, one person took 80 bottles, I have also been making cards & have just got an order for 6, they are steady sellers.
Byron & Wesley are here for the weekend, they don’t like going to Durban & especially as they stay with Alison & family.

Kathy Jones baby is expected any minute so Lesley & Ronald are going to Durban to look after …. It’s been 30 today very hot I look forward to autumn but not winter. Kathy had a baby boy today Patrick’s 37th birthday. Our car is broken again so I had to get Bonzie to take me to P.M.Burg to get it sorted out. Neal is here putting pine ceilings in our bedroom. Must close.

                                Tons of love from, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
                                Dad, Mum & family, XXXXXXXXXX

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