Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Around the World with Bradley: People around Howick

Sometimes I go on holiday. Sometimes I take pictures and record what people say.


Lionel: This is Joseph. See the quality of the work he does. I show him a picture and tell him it’s up to you and then leave him alone. He does good work.

Lionel: The Maharishi says not to have fried food more than once a month. That’s why I don’t have samosas too often. Fried food is bad for you. Tofu is also bad for you. It’s made from soya beans which are not good. The Maharishi says that dairy products are the most important part of the diet. Milk, ghee and cheese. Un cooked is better. Vegetables and grains are next.

Lionel: Look at official statistics. Crime in Hilton and Howick is down. In the last 5 years. That’s official statistics. Due to armed response. Look at rape. The statistics say we have the highest incidence in the world but it’s only because in the past it wasn’t reported. They are encouraged to report it. In the past they didn’t.

Lionel: I was out the front the other day. The police came looking for XXX house. It was a case of rape. They said it’s just the maid. They said that so I wouldn’t worry.

Lionel: The Maharishi has told me he wants me to stray in SA to spread the word. In our group we have a doctor. She is teaching TM to cancer patients and others. I like being with similar minded people. Vegetarians TM people.

Lionel: I want the children to experience another culture for two years. Live elsewhere for two years. It would be good for the children and they need to do it when they are young.

Lionel: Everybody you know has a family member affected. Personally, I have two friends who had family members murdered. I’ve had three bakkies stolen in the last two years and I don’t know how my manager wasn’t killed. There is a bullet hole in the car seat where he was sitting. He must have been leaning forward at the time.



Debbie: We went to a black wedding. A lady who buys plants off us. It was unbelievable boring. We sat ton these chairs and listened to speech after speech. Went for about three hours. Luckily we didn’t take the children. The food was terrible. They were dressed very neatly. All Christians. Lots of prayers and singing.

Debbie: somebody keeps on leaving us marrows. We come back and they are on the front door step. Large over grown zucchini.

Me: I know something you can do with them. Something different.

I cook some zucchini fritters and some roast vegetables

Lionel comes home from a day at work. Eats the savory rice which Debbie has cooked according to his recipe. Everything I have cooked he pushes to the side of his plate and leaves.


Jonathon has two boxes of soft rubber flexible lures for bass fishing.

Jonathon: see this one. You pull it with a jerky motion. Like that. Bass is attracted to movement.

Jonathon: This one is more like a frog. Needs a different movement.

Jonathon: This one the black one is a good one. More like a snake movement.

Jonathon: There’s so much to learn. Different conditions. Light different. water different. Bass feed on different things at different times.

Jonathon: No, no we always let them go. No they survive. Doesn’t kill them.

Spending all his time at Midmar dam catching fry in the marshes. Others go swimming. Taking fry home and putting them in the dam. Clinton will use them when they get bigger as bait.

Matthew follows him everywhere when he goes fishing.


For hours we sit watching the braai. Stubbies in one hand. Not enough holes in the braai.

Me: You should try a gas BBQ. If this was Australia, we would have a gas braai up and going and cooking by now.

They are groan and look skyward.

Gordon: Did you hear that. They can do it better in Australia.

Ronald: No, we must do it properly. Must be done with wood.



Wendy: I want to travel. Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Botswana, even Mozambique. I’ve always wanted to travel.

Wendy: When I was 16, I saw Byron at a school dance and knew he was the person for me. But I was too young. Had to wait two years.

Wendy wrote the sign given to Ma and Pa for Christmas which said: Nana and Papa’s place. Adult free zone. Kids will be spoilt.

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