Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Around the World with Bradley: The Drakensberg

Drive to “The Cavern” in the Drakensberg. Up the N2. A beautiful road. Toll plaza at Mooi River. R16:50. The Cavern set in the foothills of the escarpment. Bare hills, steep rocky cliffs. Plateau on the top. Trees in the valleys. Hills sparsely treed. Proteas and thorn trees.

Go for a walk. Very hot. Trails poorly laid out. No signposts. We are lost a few times. But at all times we can see The Chalet. We never know where the track is or where we are meant to be going.

Go for a swim we need to hire towels. R20 deposit.

Me: I don’t have R20 on me.

Staff: Just take them. He hands me some towels.

Lunch means Stacey is amazed by the number of staff. One leaves by one door. Two enter. Groups of waiters stand around talking. The minute food is eaten, the empty plate it is whipped away. No dust settling. The black staff are happy, polite and servile.

All the accents are SA. I’m embarrassed to talk. If I speak the other guests will turn to look or the staff will not understand me. I order my food by pointing at the menu.

Late afternoon a lot of people lounging. Sitting, talking and drinking. Looks like a scene from a film. All the guests are white. All the waiters, maids are black with white management hovering silently. This place changes slowly. Been in the same family for generations.

Mrs. C is checking her mobile phone for messages. No newspapers lying around. I wonder how the test cricket is going.

A maid flies past on a scooter.

Assemble for a guided walk to Lone Rock. All stand around. Nobody speaks. An African man carries a pack.

Me: Are you leading us?

He nods then sets off. No introduction.

Some people race to get in front. Within minutes a straggly line of unhappy people.

The locals make me glad to be an Australian. We have some idea of how to behave in a group. Half way up the hill a happy lady speaks to me. She is from Sweden. I feel sorry for the South Africans. 

Very hot unpleasant walking.

Some bushmen paintings. People stand in front of the paintings and don’t move. We leave everybody and walk back by ourselves. Bradley is very upset because of the heat.


We hire some tennis racquets. On the counter is a box containing “one normal lunch” and “one vegetarian lunch”.

For dinner last night the desert was Hawaiian Surprise. It was a spoon of vanilla ice-cream with the surprise being a few pieces of canned pineapple. Today the desert is Apricot Ice. It consists of a spoonful of vanilla ice-cream covered by a few halves of canned apricot.

Afternoon tea and I ask the waiter for a cup of tea.

Waiter: What sort do you want?

From behind me a SA voice says: I’ll have coffee.

The waiter immediately serves the coffee to the man standing behind me. I turn around to look at him. He’s not the slightest bit interested in me. Solemnly grabs his coffee and goes.

Volleyball court. A couple of older men play. Most of the young people sit and watch. The staff leader sits and watches. So frustrating. I try and get two teams playing. I try and get us agreeing on the rules we are going to have. My pathetic attempts fizzle out. Nothing happens. Nobody knows what to do.


Drive up a nearby hill to take photos. Drive past kids selling clay sculptures. We slow and the kids thrust the sculptures through the window. Safety makes us stop the car. The kids are not expecting us to stop. I exit the car and ask if I can take his photo. He says yes and gives me a very sullen expression. Half an hour after buying a sculpture it breaks. It needed to be baked.

Drive in the car. Hot and hotter. Bradley is very hot. Looks uncomfortable. Drive down the old main road through Winterton, Escort. Nobody wants to get out. Dry and dusty. Many pedestrians.

To avoid the road toll we drive down the old main road past Churchill Memorial.  

Mrs. C hits the roof about not going on the highway. Nowhere to stop. A sign to a hotel looks very unattractive and barren. Fibro-cement. No cars. Behind the pub are some roundavels. White walls and thatched roofs. Inside the pub. A very neat dining room. Folded napkins. We eat some toasted sandwiches.


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