Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Around the World with Bradley: London

Windsor Castle 

Windsor Castle dominates the skyline. Impenetrable. Radiates solidity.

Royal standard means queen in residence.

Union Jack means queen is absent.

Outside Windsor Castle are crowds of Japanese tourists. With ear muffs and cameras.

Local shops dominate. Very few aimed at us tourists.

Tea/coffee in the little crooked shop. Cute quaint, low ceilings, small doors narrow streets. Reassuring.


The Robin

We have lunch at this pub.

Above the urinals glass cabinets containing front and back pages of “The Times”. Very distracting. About to led to a wet floor. Dark walls covered with pictures photos artifacts. A few small windows. Log fires.

Rhonan recommends Bangers and Mash. Fantastic dish. Perfect.

Ski in the carpark on our shoes. An old lady comes out of the pub and waves her finger at me: Someone could injure themselves doing that.”

She was not angry. More worried not angry.


Hampton Court Palace

All staff in uniforms. Band of musicians playing a fanfare. The staff play out some scenes of ancient happenings. The actors enjoy. Laughing all the time. The audience also enjoys it. So ridiculous and such fun. Rooms enormous with large tapestries large pictures. Furniture is minute and sparse.

An area of Henry VIII. Walls covered with heads of buck, horns, carved wooden heads. Marble carvings blue and white china. We follow move and look.

Jester on stilts. Looks unbalanced. We wander and soak in the atmosphere.

In kitchens many staff/actors playing their parts. One cooking chicken on a spit. Making mashed peas, pies, fish and prunes bread.

The staff mashing the peas: You can’t taste the peas. You can ask me to eat it.

I refrain from asking.

Maze full of tourists. Philippines. Very cold. Everybody moves continuously. Half running. Moving, moving dead end go back find the middle. a tree covered with initials.

British Museum

Mind numbing; humbling the range and quality. Hidden away amongst treasures from all over the world I find one exhibit coming from Australia. An aboriginal bark painting about 100 years old.


Sherlock Holmes Pub

We eat lunch. Very expensive. Full of tourists.

Traditional fish and chips, shepherd’s pie, steak and kidney pie, roast beef desert is baked puddings, spotted dick, bread and butter pudding baked treacle pudding. All with custard.

Can’t modernise without destroying.

Smoking Americans and Irish. No traditional Englishmen in the place. Except what came in with us.


Westminster Abbey

Dereck: It’s against my principles to pay to enter.

Me: Okay I’ll pay.

We enter. Big crowds. Audio tours. marble statues. Intricate glassworks.  Ceiling is carved wood work.

Dereck: This is where Princes Di was buried. I know a couple of her bodyguards and they say she was a real… I want say it in here but they are different from us. Parasites sponging off us.


National Portrait Gallery

Photographic exhibition. Winning photos have all been touched up and altered.

Portraits in 19th C style. Military men; politicians; marble busts of the famous ones. All reverential heroic blank grim expressions that tell you nothing about the person. A sign of success is your portrait painted. Or marble bust. Often using a death mask. Showing the person at the end of his career. Paintings not chosen for their quality. Chosen because of the importance of the subject. No painting of unknown soldiers.

Outside are more statues. Heroes of the British Empire. All males except Queen V. All have done the Empire proud. Soldiers; politicians; some on horses. Statues everywhere. The statue and the honours list are award for service or sacrifice. Some have made the supreme sacrifice. There statue will  live forever.


Covent Garden

Outside is one lone guitar busker. Inside Covent Garden a few stalls selling junk and old china. Some using barrows. Book shops, cafes.

Crowds of tourists. Mainly European. crowds walking, talking, bumping, looking at everybody else. Which is what we do.

String quartet busking. Playing very well. Minimal response.


Leicester Square

Tourists milling. A miracle occurs. I find a toilet. Through Fun-land. Noisy loud flashing lights dropping rides children scream  worse for boys they have to appear tough and show no fear and not scream

Piccadilly Circus: Lights shine brightly in the darkness. Nobody but tourists and a few taxis trying to run people down.


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