Saturday, 5 September 2020

From Sunshine December 2000



Christmas 2000

Dear Lorna,

The envelope with this letter contains money for Christmas for Stacey. The best thing to do would be that she gives you the money and when you are overseas she can buy something for herself. You will know how to work out the money exchange in the country or countries she wishes to spend money. When Jolene and Melissa are here for Christmas they will take back the other presents especially Bradley.

Stacey told me on Sunday night he is moving himself now. They certainly aren’t babies for very long so you might as well enjoy while you can. It seems so short when you look backwards. It doesn’t seem that long ago that you arrived here with Stacey just a baby. The time just goes too quickly.

I do hope you have a lovely time with your family and have a wonderful Christmas.

Love Dorothy

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