Saturday, 5 September 2020

From Merrivale October 2000





Dear Melissa, Jolene @ Stacey,

Thank you for your letters@ phone call. My heart is very sore because you live so far away @ I so seldom see or hear from you.

We are looking after a friend’s house in Scottburgh. We arrived on Friday afternoon, spent the day in Durbs shopping @ visiting family @ friends. Uncle Neal, aunty Vanessa 2 boys plus girl friend @ boy friend spent the weekend here. Unfortunately the weather was miserable, but yesterday we were able to walk to the beach then had along walk along the beach then home again @ we had a barbeque last night. There is a balcony @ we can see the bathing area from there.

Tomorrow old Rhodesian friends are coming for the week @ the Besters next weekend.

The whole family went to Tam-lyn’s wedding which was held at the Natal Spa which is hot springs. Tam-lyn looked lovely @ was so happy @ sincere when she took her vows. There were 5 attendants dressed in bottle green2 they also looked lovely @ the hall was beautifully decorated @ the food excellent. The kids clubbed together @ paid for us to spend the night in the hotel @ they were very clever as they gave us Aaron @ Leah to keep for the night. Everyone went for a midnight swim then all camped @ in the morning we all had a champagne breakfast, so a good time was had by all. Leah looked too cute @ was admired by all she looks like Sherry @ I had made her a very pretty pink frock, then I bought her pink bobby socks @ a pair of white leather shoes. Sherry unfortunately fell 2 broke her ankle on Monday so she has been staying next door with her parents so as soon as Aaron wakes up he puts on his satchel @ he comes over to our house 2 spends the day with us.

Well must end now @ counting the days to November 28th.

Miss you all. Love you all toooo much

Papa @ Nana




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