Saturday, 5 September 2020

From Merrivale August 2000





Dear Alan, Lorna, Girls @ Bradley

Congratulations from the whole family on the safe arrival of Bradley Solomon, sorry it has taken me so long to write, but I did write then tore the letter up, as I felt it was full of moans.

Thanks for the photos Bradley looks too cute @ we are all trying to meet him. We hardly recognised the girls, I think it is the first time we’ve seen Melissa @ Jolene with long hair. Debbie still can’t believe that the one is Jolene.

We had a lovely holiday with the Hayes, the first eek the weather was good @ I managed to get in 3 swims @ 2 long walks on the beach, the next week it was very cold @ we never even went once to the beach, but I got a lot of knitting done @ managed to get in quite a few games of scrabble.

I’ve not been too well as my heart plays up @ keeps on fibulating 2 I get into a panic @ rush into the Doctor. Greys Hospital is now just a referral hospital, so if we take ill we have to either go to the Indian Hospital at Greytown or the African Hospital at Edendale not much of a choice. Neal has tried to get us on his medical aid, but its R900 a month each so that’s out, so we struggle along, I said to the Doctor I have to make @ sell a lot of pickles @ jams to be able to pay him a visit.

Petrol goes up every month @ is now about R3.50 a liter so our travelling has been curtailed.

You remember Sharon, uncle Richard @ Aunty Bonnies daughter well her 13 year old son, Gareth died 15 months ago from leukemia @ last week her 13 year old daughter Jemma-lee fell of the back of a bakkie @ was killed. We went to the funeral on Wednesday it was awful with Sharon keeping on breaking down. I feel so sorry for that family as they have so much bad luck @ Sharon has really had a hard time.

Leah wins baby queen of the year @ baby of the month so Juan @ Sherry are very chuffed. They are so good to us. Leah was a year old on the 2nd @ we all went to an animal farm @ a BMX track for her party of course the next doors didn’t pitch, I am wondering if they will go to Tam-lyn’s wedding. I hope they stay away especially Clinton as he is the trouble maker. After Leah’s party we went to Neal’s braai.

Daddy has been doing a lot of work for Neal. Never hear from Jenny but believe they are going to live in England from the end of the year. I just said to Dad I can’t believe the way she has treated us after all we have done for her 2 kids. We are battling along as prices go up @ up @ our pension stays the same, but Dad @ I are just happy to have each other. He had another seizure while we were on holiday but he is very touchy on the subject so we don’t mention it. Hope you are able to come out at Xmas as we are both getting older.

Tons of love, Dad, Mum @ family




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