Saturday, 5 September 2020

From Sunshine December 2000



Christmas 2000

Dear Lorna,

The envelope with this letter contains money for Christmas for Stacey. The best thing to do would be that she gives you the money and when you are overseas she can buy something for herself. You will know how to work out the money exchange in the country or countries she wishes to spend money. When Jolene and Melissa are here for Christmas they will take back the other presents especially Bradley.

Stacey told me on Sunday night he is moving himself now. They certainly aren’t babies for very long so you might as well enjoy while you can. It seems so short when you look backwards. It doesn’t seem that long ago that you arrived here with Stacey just a baby. The time just goes too quickly.

I do hope you have a lovely time with your family and have a wonderful Christmas.

Love Dorothy

Photos 2000 (E)


FromAthabasca December 2000



10th     December 2000


Fall Roundup

Halloween was the usual sweet feast. The day before George and the boys carved three jack-o-lanterns which I had grown. Two were small but one was a whopper. As usual I finished Robert’s costume that morning (he was a bat) and Neyland was finally convinced to wear the Robin Hood costume I had made two years before. Not long after Robert got off the bus we were trick ‘n treating with me driving the boys around the neighborhood (we don’t go to anyone we don’t know), two and       a quarter hours and twelve houses later we were back home. It is time to visit people you should have visited over the summer: in our case a Lou Gehrig’s sufferer who’s funeral we went to yesterday. Neyland could no longer carry or even drag his loot bag because our neighbours get so few visitors they pile the kids up with treats. They get more stuff than two full arms of Royal Melbourne Show bags. Unfortunately the boys don’t see other children in costume so next year we may take in a community Halloween party as well. It is time I dressed up as well.

We had a god harvest. We got off to a bad start, three weeks of miserable weather, then by the middle of September the weather was glorious and the har vest done in record time. We only grew barley, but the yields were excellent. Prices are still terrible. We were lucky to find an excellent man to help George who is also a mechanic. Last year George did it all himself, it was so much better to have help. It is better to pay someone, than not get the work done or George stressed out. They must be having an election soon because the provincial government is giving us $6.00 an acre (we have 800 in total, but 707 arable which is what is counted). The Alberta government which benefits from the oil and gas industry is rolling in it. I don’t mind them throwing money our way. They are not giving us a fuel rebate, though each tax filing Albertian got $150. Our gas bill is enormous and we finally got a man to install basic wood stove in the basement, it was burning for the first time on Friday, hopeful it will heat the basement and cut our fuel bill. We got a new window for our bedroom and the room is much warmer, so it may pay to replace all the windows. We still don’t make any money farming, we still cannot get for our crops what it costs to grow them. Our little cow herd is doing fine, we have 19 cows, 17 calves, 1 bull and 9 heifers. We sold 9 steers and a barren heifer this year for excellent prices. One calf was stillborn and one cow, who had calved in July 1999, didn’t calve. Eight of our heifers are beautiful, the ninth had a dislocated pelvis and still moves awkwardly. The calf was pulled, because it was hoof first, still is lame. Our home pasture was further divided this year into four fields and despite below average rainfall kept our cattle from June until early November. We have in the past few weeks got 165 feeders but have had a lot of problems with illness. Five have died, and a sixth will die tonight and unfortunately our own calves have been very sick. George wants to get about 200. We had 143 last year and sold them in early August for I think a small profit.

I planted tulips again this fall and 17 new lily bulbs. My lilies were wonderful this year, I have them in colours from pale pink to burgundy and hot red. White through apricot to orange. Even the almost ugly bright yellow. They really love our dreadful climate. I’m still trying out new plants, most I get mail order, but I buy a few plants from local nurseries and check out a couple in Edmonton. My kodak moment this year came from a salmon oriental poppy although it only flowered for 10 days, dominated the garden skyline. Next year I think I will concentrate on small shrubs, but don’t hold me to it, If I ever find the white with pink edging oriental poppy it is mine.

Robert is finally in full-time school and actually likes it. He has to catch the bus at half past 7 and isn’t home until after 4. He is in French Immersion Grade 1 and there are 23 in the class. He has the same teacher as he had last year and she finally seems to be teaching something. He excels at math (he got a certificate from the principal) and science, but still cannot read, though last week seemed to make a big break through and was sounding out all his words – he was doing the OU sound – words like mouton, poule, soupe. I cannot help him, he already pronounces French beautifully. He plays hockey twice a week. Friday after school and Saturday morning. He loves it and is good at it. He scored his first goal against Lac La Biche at the beginning of November, but yesterday they got slaughtered by Slave Lake, so wasn’t very happy. I only saw the first 20 minutes, and had to leave Neyland and Robert with a baby sitter, the first time ever. Elena is 15 and is just a wonder reading the new Margret Atwood at the moment. Her father is a full Cree, her mother has George’s old job as boss of business at Athabasca University. We now have a pile of her old books to read Robert; they have started “Gentle Ben”. The young ones don’t;’ play in a league just the occasional match against another small town team. He is very athletic, he spent the summer riding his bike up and down the drive. Once he roe toa neighbours (one a and a half miles away) without telling me. For a special treat he is allowed to ride to the field, but he is not normally allowed on the road. There will be no cars for hours, then someone will come speeding past. When we first came there were only two houses on our road, but now there are four. For over seven years we never heard another voice, just the tractor noises, now sometimes on a still night you can hear voices.

Neyland turned four and just wants to play all day with Play-Doh. He wanted and got a green cake for his birthday. He just got an award winning picture book, which received the governor Generals prize for French illustration. He is finally going to Playschool, which is now at the primary school, every Monday afternoon, and some Friday afternoons, he is the class clown. Neyland is very independent and tough. He doesn’t think about doing things for himself he just does it. Robert thinks so long the opportunity some times passes him by. We have gone public skating at the town rink, three times and Neyland has progressed from holding on to George, top refusing anyone’s help. He won’t even get off when it is time to go home. Today he was skating for the first time, not “walking”. It is likely that he will start hockey next fall, the only year the boys will be in the same age group. My skating is at about the same level, I have stopped clinging to the sides, but cannot glide. Our rink is twice the size as last year and the boys were out this afternoon. Orca, our border collie, has a straw bale kennel, but never did get a run built for him. There are two cats and two kittens to keep away the mice (and Hanta virus).

Snow finally came the first weekend in November, but only a couple of inches. It snowed again at the weekend

, but only a couple of inches were added. The ground froze very quickly. Our land needs a lot of snow, which we haven’t had for several years. It is cold now always below zero, most of the day is overcast, grey and dull. It was the coldest day of the year today, somewhere in the minus 30s, the tractor wouldn’t start despite been plugged in all night, so I had to help shovel silage to the animals. The backhoe did start so George would get scoops of silage and dump it near the pens. Your breath makes your hair turn icy white and the collar of my parka freezes. There is two inches of ice INSIDE the windows of the living room. Neyland is trying to scrape it away with a screwdriver, but found it wouldn’t budge. But the morning sunrises are wonderful, neon pinks and purple silhouette the bare trees.

I know I should keep a journal, but I don’t, we do keep a farm journal, but it says things like ”5th feeder died” and nothing else. It is mainly things to do, people to phone, items to buy. Rarely George will write something of note like “harvest over”. Occasionally George will admonish himself, “always harrow after seeding”. Last week he moved the cows to a large field without water (they have to eat snow); the normal practice around here, but because we have five waterers, (they are big job to get in place, the water line has to be over 8 feet deep to avoid freezing, and the last 8 feet up to the bowl and the bowl itself have to be heated all winter) the last two winters they had water. George said it would take three days for the cows to get used to it. I was on the cow’s side. On the fourth day when he opened their gate to bring in silage they bolted. They told Gorge he didn’t understand a cow’s true needs.




















Photos 2000 (D)


From Athabasca November 2000



17 Nov 2000

Dear Alan,

                I’m probably too late, can you send shoe, coat, and hats sizes? We have a little snow on the ground and night temps of -10 C and daytime about zero. We have had one snow storm which I had to drive home from Athabasca in and it wasn’t very pleasant. Robert scored his first hockey goal so winter has begun,

                                Love Pam

Photos 2000 (C)


From Merrivale October 2000





Dear Melissa, Jolene @ Stacey,

Thank you for your letters@ phone call. My heart is very sore because you live so far away @ I so seldom see or hear from you.

We are looking after a friend’s house in Scottburgh. We arrived on Friday afternoon, spent the day in Durbs shopping @ visiting family @ friends. Uncle Neal, aunty Vanessa 2 boys plus girl friend @ boy friend spent the weekend here. Unfortunately the weather was miserable, but yesterday we were able to walk to the beach then had along walk along the beach then home again @ we had a barbeque last night. There is a balcony @ we can see the bathing area from there.

Tomorrow old Rhodesian friends are coming for the week @ the Besters next weekend.

The whole family went to Tam-lyn’s wedding which was held at the Natal Spa which is hot springs. Tam-lyn looked lovely @ was so happy @ sincere when she took her vows. There were 5 attendants dressed in bottle green2 they also looked lovely @ the hall was beautifully decorated @ the food excellent. The kids clubbed together @ paid for us to spend the night in the hotel @ they were very clever as they gave us Aaron @ Leah to keep for the night. Everyone went for a midnight swim then all camped @ in the morning we all had a champagne breakfast, so a good time was had by all. Leah looked too cute @ was admired by all she looks like Sherry @ I had made her a very pretty pink frock, then I bought her pink bobby socks @ a pair of white leather shoes. Sherry unfortunately fell 2 broke her ankle on Monday so she has been staying next door with her parents so as soon as Aaron wakes up he puts on his satchel @ he comes over to our house 2 spends the day with us.

Well must end now @ counting the days to November 28th.

Miss you all. Love you all toooo much

Papa @ Nana




Photos 2000 (B)


From Merrivale August 2000





Dear Alan, Lorna, Girls @ Bradley

Congratulations from the whole family on the safe arrival of Bradley Solomon, sorry it has taken me so long to write, but I did write then tore the letter up, as I felt it was full of moans.

Thanks for the photos Bradley looks too cute @ we are all trying to meet him. We hardly recognised the girls, I think it is the first time we’ve seen Melissa @ Jolene with long hair. Debbie still can’t believe that the one is Jolene.

We had a lovely holiday with the Hayes, the first eek the weather was good @ I managed to get in 3 swims @ 2 long walks on the beach, the next week it was very cold @ we never even went once to the beach, but I got a lot of knitting done @ managed to get in quite a few games of scrabble.

I’ve not been too well as my heart plays up @ keeps on fibulating 2 I get into a panic @ rush into the Doctor. Greys Hospital is now just a referral hospital, so if we take ill we have to either go to the Indian Hospital at Greytown or the African Hospital at Edendale not much of a choice. Neal has tried to get us on his medical aid, but its R900 a month each so that’s out, so we struggle along, I said to the Doctor I have to make @ sell a lot of pickles @ jams to be able to pay him a visit.

Petrol goes up every month @ is now about R3.50 a liter so our travelling has been curtailed.

You remember Sharon, uncle Richard @ Aunty Bonnies daughter well her 13 year old son, Gareth died 15 months ago from leukemia @ last week her 13 year old daughter Jemma-lee fell of the back of a bakkie @ was killed. We went to the funeral on Wednesday it was awful with Sharon keeping on breaking down. I feel so sorry for that family as they have so much bad luck @ Sharon has really had a hard time.

Leah wins baby queen of the year @ baby of the month so Juan @ Sherry are very chuffed. They are so good to us. Leah was a year old on the 2nd @ we all went to an animal farm @ a BMX track for her party of course the next doors didn’t pitch, I am wondering if they will go to Tam-lyn’s wedding. I hope they stay away especially Clinton as he is the trouble maker. After Leah’s party we went to Neal’s braai.

Daddy has been doing a lot of work for Neal. Never hear from Jenny but believe they are going to live in England from the end of the year. I just said to Dad I can’t believe the way she has treated us after all we have done for her 2 kids. We are battling along as prices go up @ up @ our pension stays the same, but Dad @ I are just happy to have each other. He had another seizure while we were on holiday but he is very touchy on the subject so we don’t mention it. Hope you are able to come out at Xmas as we are both getting older.

Tons of love, Dad, Mum @ family




Photos 2000 (A)


From Melbourne June 2000



22 June ‘00


Dear Lorna and Alan,

                I am extremely happy and thrilled for you both.

                Bradley is a great name. (it makes for BC initials!)

                What is his middle name?

                Hope you are well.



From St Francis Bay January 2000


St Francis Bay

Jan 2000

Dear Alan, Lorna @ Girls,

Very many thanks for the money which you sent for Xmas. It paid for our trip down here 1,006 kms + 12 hours of solid driving we were famished by the time we arrived to a very warm welcome.

I think that this spot is one of the most beautiful spots that I have been to @ relatively safe. Daryl Montague was murdered on 2nd January @ since we have arrived here another friend’s son has also been murdered. I think Kevin @ family are staying permanently in Australia @ Gary has gone to England for 3 years, been sent there by Sasol, but despite the two murders things are really quite safe as long as one is not foolhardy @ takes care. We are having a hard time medically as Greys is now a referral hospital, so if we take ill we must go to Northdale so I am trying to put money aside each month so that we can go to a private Dr if we really need to.

The Besters are all well @ Debbie said she spoke to you yesterday. The next doors still not talking to me but talk to Daddy. Daddy was most upset with Jenny as Tara phoned to talk to us (she @ Tam-lyn always do) so Dad said is your mother there @ then asked to talk to her then I spoke to her next thing she comes down to visit Debbie @ doesn’t even bother to come @ see us, so Dad is furious. I mean he will be 80 years old next year @ I hope she doesn’t leave it too late to come @ see him.

Neal is still a darling slipped me R100 as we were leaving. Vanessa like Ronald suffering from foot in the mouth disease, she was so rude to Sherry @ Juan who had gone to the trouble of getting cheap meat for Alyson, Then Alyson not bothering to pay @ these kids without money, but when Sherry phoned today she said Vanessa had phoned her @ apologised. Sherry, Juan @ kids well @ give us so much pleasure. Daddy adores Leah @ everytime Aaron sees me its “water Nana” as I always take him swimming. Ronald Lumgair is always very good to us @ tonight said again we could live permanently with him, but hey are too unreliable although he is doing very well in his business. Taryn is enjoying her year of her life for Christ @ Donavan doing waiting at a restaurant @ earning good money. Run out of space @ time now 10pm.

Lots of love from Mum, Dad, Sheila, Ron @ family