Monday, 3 July 2017

From St Albans : 27.6.91

From St Albans

Dear Alan, Lorna, Melissa, Jolene and Stacey,
                                                                                Thank you Melissa for your lovely letter. No-one is having a birthday here at the moment. The next birthday is Ben’s friend Daniel Griffin who is 12 on the 13th July (in our school holidays).

                Dennis’s sister Pauline is 20 on the 30th July. However she and her friend Anthea will be in Hobart from approx. 21-29th July. Anthea grew up in South Africa but her family migrated to here some years ago. They are great friends. They are going to Tassie by boat and driving their car around.

                If you would like I can give them your phone number and they can tell you all the “gossip” about Vicki etc.

                Vicki does all the normal baby things:
                -she does not sleep much during the day.
                -she wakes a lot at night.
                -she “sicks” on your shoulder.
                -she likes to be walked around while you are holding her but she is usually very happy and healthy. She smiles and talks a lot.

                Next Saturday my year 7 at Sunshine High School (1967) are having a big reunion. Teachers that are definitely coming include Barry Rayner, Mrs Hart (Mr Hart has recently died), Robert Moore, Mrs Denise Leahy (who still teaches).

                It should be an interesting night as most of the people I have not seen for 20 years.
                Over 110 students of the 147 starters have been “found”.

                On the 14th may 1991 Darryl and Sue had a girl Stephanie and on the same day Ross and Lindi had a girl Georgia. The last time Ross had a baby girl Iain also had a daughter on the same day. I don’t know how he does it!! Darryl rang me up last Saturday and I said “Darryl Who?”  He said “your cousin” then we had a long conversation (about babies).

                I swam 4olaps yesterday which is the most I have ever swum in one session. It is a lot for me. I am trying to get fit in my old age. Dennis goes for 2-3 hour walks around St Albans and has lost a lot of weight. He is about 11 ½ stone. I am 9 stone.

                I hope you are all well and enjoying the winter which so far is not very cold,

 much love from
                                                                                                                                                                                Anne XXXXXXXX

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