Monday, 3 July 2017

From Hilton : 18.4.91

From Hilton

Dear Lorna, Allan & family,

Sorry I have taken so long to write. It was very nice to receive a letter from you. I have been so busy sewing you wouldn’t believe it. After doing the stretch knit course, we did the quilted jacket course. I made two jackets, one for Fay, one for myself. They are lovely, but what a lot of hard work. I am now doing the gift course which is making things like quilted oven gloves. It is so nice to see all the wonderful things one can do. I am also busy doing a bit of sewing for Jonathon’s school.

Neal has been staying with us this week. Gee it is lovely to have him. The children just love him. In fact he looked after Nicholas this morning while I went to have my hair permed. He has been helping Lionel at the factory. Sheila is coming up next weekend to look after my kids. We are having a school reunion (ten years out of school) can you believe it? There is a pub lunch at Nottingham Road on Saturday, a dinner dance in the evening; a braai on Sunday at Midmar. Because Ma is not going to be here, Sheila said she would come up for the weekend. My kids are so fond of her; so happy with the arrangement. Nicholas is so fond of Tarryn as she spends all her time playing with him. They usually spend their holidays here.

I must tell you that we are busy doing plans for building our house. I am so excited about it I can’t tell you. It is going to be lovely to have our own place again. We are not going to do it ourselves. Lionel’s friend who is a builder is going to do it for us. We are probably going to start when we come back from our holiday in Margate in June.

Send love to everyone; write again soon. 
With lots of love from Debbie, Lionel, Jonathon, Fay; Nicholas.

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