Monday, 3 July 2017

From St Albans : 18.1.91

From St Albans

Dear Alan, Lorna, Melissa, Jolene and Stacey,

                                                At last I have some spare time to tell you the news.

                You have another niece and cousin called “Victoria Naomi” born on the 14th Jan. We are going to call her “Vicki” for short. She looks like the boys did and she is going to be a pretty baby like they were.

                She has long black hair which I think is a bit curly. She was 8lb 1oz and I week early.

                Dennis and I came to the hospital which is in St Albans about 3pm and she was born at 5:28 pm. Dennis is on holidays for 2 weeks and is looking after the boys. He is doing a great job and they pulled down the caravan and have taken it to the Sunshine Tip in pieces. (We have a garage now).

                Peter does not really understand what has happened. When he first saw Vicki he was speechless for about ½ hour and then he whispered in my ear,”is that your baby, Mummy?”

Three midwives delivered her and they liked the delivery. I had no painkillers and no stitches so I was on my feet soon after. I was really glad it was over but I still did not care whether it was a girl or boy.

Dennis and I are still getting used to having a girl. You will see her when you come over whenever that is. Mum and Dad have been to see her and so have a few other people. I have been given some beautiful clothes, in pink of course!

When I get some photographs developed I will send them over to you. I would also like to thank Lorna for the boys presents – Ben has been wearing his shirt and I have put Peter’s bag away for kinder which he starts on the 30th Jan.

                If this letter does not all make sense it is because I am tired from lack of sleep. Hospitals are not the best places for getting a good night’s sleep!!!

                                                                Anne and baby Vicki who is fast asleep.

PS 21st Jan I came home on Saturday and so far everyone is settling down well to having another baby in the house. She is good so far. The Health Centre Sister came today and was impressed with her size and length. She is chubby and was back to her birth weight before she came home from hospital.

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