Monday, 3 July 2017

Photos 1991 : (E)

From Howick : 28.12.91

From Howick : 17.12.91

From Howick : 15.10.91

From Howick : 29.10.91

From Howick : 24.9.91

Photos 1991 : (D)

From Howick : 30.8.91

From Howick : 19.8.91

From Howick : 9.8.91

From Howick : 16.7.91

Photos 1991 (C)

From St Albans : 27.6.91

From St Albans

Dear Alan, Lorna, Melissa, Jolene and Stacey,
                                                                                Thank you Melissa for your lovely letter. No-one is having a birthday here at the moment. The next birthday is Ben’s friend Daniel Griffin who is 12 on the 13th July (in our school holidays).

                Dennis’s sister Pauline is 20 on the 30th July. However she and her friend Anthea will be in Hobart from approx. 21-29th July. Anthea grew up in South Africa but her family migrated to here some years ago. They are great friends. They are going to Tassie by boat and driving their car around.

                If you would like I can give them your phone number and they can tell you all the “gossip” about Vicki etc.

                Vicki does all the normal baby things:
                -she does not sleep much during the day.
                -she wakes a lot at night.
                -she “sicks” on your shoulder.
                -she likes to be walked around while you are holding her but she is usually very happy and healthy. She smiles and talks a lot.

                Next Saturday my year 7 at Sunshine High School (1967) are having a big reunion. Teachers that are definitely coming include Barry Rayner, Mrs Hart (Mr Hart has recently died), Robert Moore, Mrs Denise Leahy (who still teaches).

                It should be an interesting night as most of the people I have not seen for 20 years.
                Over 110 students of the 147 starters have been “found”.

                On the 14th may 1991 Darryl and Sue had a girl Stephanie and on the same day Ross and Lindi had a girl Georgia. The last time Ross had a baby girl Iain also had a daughter on the same day. I don’t know how he does it!! Darryl rang me up last Saturday and I said “Darryl Who?”  He said “your cousin” then we had a long conversation (about babies).

                I swam 4olaps yesterday which is the most I have ever swum in one session. It is a lot for me. I am trying to get fit in my old age. Dennis goes for 2-3 hour walks around St Albans and has lost a lot of weight. He is about 11 ½ stone. I am 9 stone.

                I hope you are all well and enjoying the winter which so far is not very cold,

 much love from
                                                                                                                                                                                Anne XXXXXXXX

From Howick : 22.6.91

From Howick : 24.5.91

From Hilton : 18.4.91

From Hilton

Dear Lorna, Allan & family,

Sorry I have taken so long to write. It was very nice to receive a letter from you. I have been so busy sewing you wouldn’t believe it. After doing the stretch knit course, we did the quilted jacket course. I made two jackets, one for Fay, one for myself. They are lovely, but what a lot of hard work. I am now doing the gift course which is making things like quilted oven gloves. It is so nice to see all the wonderful things one can do. I am also busy doing a bit of sewing for Jonathon’s school.

Neal has been staying with us this week. Gee it is lovely to have him. The children just love him. In fact he looked after Nicholas this morning while I went to have my hair permed. He has been helping Lionel at the factory. Sheila is coming up next weekend to look after my kids. We are having a school reunion (ten years out of school) can you believe it? There is a pub lunch at Nottingham Road on Saturday, a dinner dance in the evening; a braai on Sunday at Midmar. Because Ma is not going to be here, Sheila said she would come up for the weekend. My kids are so fond of her; so happy with the arrangement. Nicholas is so fond of Tarryn as she spends all her time playing with him. They usually spend their holidays here.

I must tell you that we are busy doing plans for building our house. I am so excited about it I can’t tell you. It is going to be lovely to have our own place again. We are not going to do it ourselves. Lionel’s friend who is a builder is going to do it for us. We are probably going to start when we come back from our holiday in Margate in June.

Send love to everyone; write again soon. 
With lots of love from Debbie, Lionel, Jonathon, Fay; Nicholas.

From Howick : 12.4.91

Photos 1991 (B)

From Howick : 13.3.91

From Howick : 8.3.91

From England : 25.2.91

From England

Dear Mum, Dad, Alan, Lorna, Melissa, Jolene and Stacey,

                Well the sun shone today, the snow has completely disappeared and the mild weather seems to have finally arrived.

                But all is not well in good ol’ England. You probably have heard of the terror of travelling on the tube. First it was the snow, second a huge shambles after the fire episode and now the bombs. The fatal morning at Victoria St was pretty frightening. I was going to go to London on the day of the fire. The Central line is the line I use. And this morning more bomb scares closed all stations for a while – so a second attempt to venture into the centre has been postponed.

                On my way to work last Saturday we all had to alight not too far along the journey because a train further down the track was on fire!

                It must be incredible unsettling for the daily commuters.  Mary and Derek’s 25th do was very lovely. I became the unofficial photographer merely because no one else was “happily” taking snaps. They had hired the old Ongar Council Chamber in the main street which feels like a big lounge room with photos of old Ongar on the walls, lovely side rooms even plastic hydrangeas. There was game, salads, meat, and a lovely avocado mousse – nothing terribly adventurous. But that’s English cooking. Solid and plain.

                I cooked dinner last night. A main meal of chicken in coconut milk, garam masala and accompanied by shallow fried mushrooms, eggplant, broccoli with an optional gado gado sauce. They all thought it was very nice. Well that is what they said. Except Bridget, of course, who is still fighting teenage feelings regarding food? Derek I’m sure prefers meat and potatoes and bread.

                I saw another episode of “Boys from the Bush” last night and despite its faults I found that I was laughing quite a lot. No doubt because I am not in Melbourne. The corny language. The cliché’s. They went outback to a dilapidated house and monosyllabic slow moving resident, they went to the zoo and the ultimate was when the ‘happy’ family was having a night out at the West Sunshine R.S.L.

                Received your last letter this morning mum. I am sorry to have missed the blackberry season.
                Still no winner about the state of Australia. Except that, in this country at least, it affords a wonderful reputation. Everyone and I mean everyone whether they are inebriated at the hotel or a stranger at the station wants to know why I am here when I come from “such a lovely country”. Actually I wonder that many times over. England is not my country. Perhaps when spring arrives it will be more pleasant. But at the moment life s rather dull. I don’t know how people can live with so little sun. So little space. Away from the coastline.

                Finally went to London for the afternoon yesterday. Step bought a leather jacket with the money she was given for her birthday. We didn’t spend long there. Were in the area around Oxford Circus – not far from the lovely Liberty Shop.

                Duomo is Italian singular for cathedral. My Italian is going along fine. At the   moment it is really a revision exercise for me. The moths of living with the language have been a tremendous help. I honestly don’t know how people learn a language solely from books and tapes. Everything that crops I can relate to a personal experience.

                Regarding those two visa expenses from Italy. The shop assistants or simply that is not that surprising for Italy to be slow with paperwork. The 31st Jan (Lorenzetti) and the 6th Feb (Benetton) were both purchases on 27.12. I am surprised at the cost. Has the Australian dollar slipped even further?

                Trotted off to London again yesterday. This time on my own. I just wanted to be among crowds, the hustle and bustle. Saw Bertolucci’s ‘The sheltering Sky’. Finally back in the solace of a cinema during the day with a good movie to keep me company for over two hours. I don’t know how I survived for so long without films!

                Have you seen ‘Cinema Paradiso’ yet? Yes I am a city person living in the country. I suppose yesterday and last night was the first time since last August that I have been in central London simply gallivanting and being part of its hub. It was raining. Beggars in noticeable numbers and my journey home was delayed due to a security alert at Liverpool St Station! But I liked it – for a day and a night.

                Well I’m off to see what the employment situation is like for me.

                Have a great Tassie holiday, Lots of love to you all Bev


From Howick : 25.2.91

From Howick : 15.2.91

Photos 1991 (A)

From Howick : 11.2.91

From Howick : 1.2.91

From Howick : 24.1.91

From St Albans : 18.1.91

From St Albans

Dear Alan, Lorna, Melissa, Jolene and Stacey,

                                                At last I have some spare time to tell you the news.

                You have another niece and cousin called “Victoria Naomi” born on the 14th Jan. We are going to call her “Vicki” for short. She looks like the boys did and she is going to be a pretty baby like they were.

                She has long black hair which I think is a bit curly. She was 8lb 1oz and I week early.

                Dennis and I came to the hospital which is in St Albans about 3pm and she was born at 5:28 pm. Dennis is on holidays for 2 weeks and is looking after the boys. He is doing a great job and they pulled down the caravan and have taken it to the Sunshine Tip in pieces. (We have a garage now).

                Peter does not really understand what has happened. When he first saw Vicki he was speechless for about ½ hour and then he whispered in my ear,”is that your baby, Mummy?”

Three midwives delivered her and they liked the delivery. I had no painkillers and no stitches so I was on my feet soon after. I was really glad it was over but I still did not care whether it was a girl or boy.

Dennis and I are still getting used to having a girl. You will see her when you come over whenever that is. Mum and Dad have been to see her and so have a few other people. I have been given some beautiful clothes, in pink of course!

When I get some photographs developed I will send them over to you. I would also like to thank Lorna for the boys presents – Ben has been wearing his shirt and I have put Peter’s bag away for kinder which he starts on the 30th Jan.

                If this letter does not all make sense it is because I am tired from lack of sleep. Hospitals are not the best places for getting a good night’s sleep!!!

                                                                Anne and baby Vicki who is fast asleep.

PS 21st Jan I came home on Saturday and so far everyone is settling down well to having another baby in the house. She is good so far. The Health Centre Sister came today and was impressed with her size and length. She is chubby and was back to her birth weight before she came home from hospital.

Form Howick : 14.1.91