Tuesday, 3 August 2021

From Merrivale: June 2001


Dear Melissa @ Jolene,

Thank you for your letter Melissa. When I sent off the postcards to Jolene @ Stacey I had a lovely one for you of a whale, but somehow it got lost so decided to write this airmail to both of you. All the photos you sent Debbie were lovely I am going to frame the ones of grandpa working in his garage. He will turn 80 on the 8th June so we are giving him a party with 100 people. We are having it in the church hall @ it will be a lunch. I wouldn’t know you girls if I saw you now with your long hair. The computer phots of Bradley in his bubble bath are too cute. We have only see Josh Michael 3 times as Lionel was so rude to Grandpa that we are staying out of his way, but Debbie comes to visit with the children when she has a car as Lionel had an accident in hers @ its not going n@ wasn’t insured. We have a wedding on Saturday Tony Kennard our nephew’s daughter Meloney is getting married. She is a lawyer @ so is her husband to be. On Sunday we are going to “Thimble Bee” Grandpa’s siter Kathleen’s old home for a braai. Aunty Norah another sister of grandpa is coming here after the wedding for a few days then friends are taking us down to a cottage at Shelly Beach for a week @ during that time another very god friend is having her 50th wedding anniversary so we’ll have to go to that which is about 120 kms from Shelly Beach. Petrol goes up here every month last month they put it up 19 cents now this month by 9 cents never ends.

We are hoping to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary on 4th October @ again will have a lunch in the church hall, wish you could all come as it would really make our day. The whole family are coming from St Francis Bay, Aunt Jenny not, but Tara is back in South Africa so she @ her boyfriend will come We also have a friend who is flying over from the UK just for the 50th anniversary.

Sherry Juan Aaron @ Leah have settled down well in St Francis. Taryn was looking after Leah @ let her fall into a bath of near boiling water so she has a badly burnt hand @ arm. Byron is also living in St Francis his girlfriend comes to see us regularly . Can’t wait to see you girls @ hope we will be able to take you to St Francis Bay one of the most beautiful places missing Stacey @ Bradley so tons of love to each one of you.

Papa @ Nana



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