Thursday, 29 June 2017

From St Albans 17.9.90

From St Albans

Dear Alan, Lorna, Melissa, Jolene & Stacey,
                                                                                It sounds like from dad, that you are very settled in your new home and the girls are settled in school. Dad says Stacey starts kinder today. The house sounds so close to everything.

                Things are going well here. I will be 23 weeks at the end of this week. I have had an ultrasound and everything is fine. I insisted that they did not tell me the sex of the baby as we want it to be a surprise. I hope to be able to work up to Christmas. School is alright at the moment as many students have either left school or just don’t turn up! This is very typical of Braybrook.

                We have ordered a garage but have been waiting weeks for a permit from the Sunshine Council. This is normal for them. We are getting a Garage Place to build it when the permit comes through.

                This will give Dennis somewhere to store all his “junk” and somewhere to work out of the weather. He is still working at Preston Motors in North Essendon and likes the work.

                The usual things are happening here in September –The finals – I hope West Coast don’t win and the show – will go instead of giving Ben a birthday party (28th) This was his choice.

                I am looking forward to Auntie Laurel’s 70th birthday party. It is on the 7th October. It will be interesting to see how much the cousins have changed over the years. Darryl & Sue won’t be there because Uncle Ray & Darryl & Sue are going to Japan for a holiday.

                Bev wrote to me and has a job teaching a rich girl English in Italy. It sounds great and she should pick up Italian in the 10-12 months she will be there.

                Please let Mum and Dad know what your plans are for Christmas when you know what they are. I will be having a very quiet Christmas as the baby is due on the 22nd Jan. However both the boys came early so it could be born early January.

                Alan have a great birthday on the 24th

                                                                                                love Anne XXXXXXX
                                                                                & Dennis, Ben & Peter


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